Tips to understand what we offer quickly

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Why choosing

There are many companies that offer services similar to ours. Why choose us? For us our greatest strength is that we carry the published web and running. Other services offer tools for self-management of content, but the client must create the site from scratch, however we also offer an affordable, professional and reliable service, we created the site with the content you provide and leave running.

Main services

Basically we offer 4 types of sites:
  • Starter Website: mere presence on the internet with some content that is rarely changed.
  • Manageable: with powerful web content manageable by the owner of the website.
  • Social: as above but for homeowners who are to devote much time to update the content of your website.
  • Tienda online:ecommerce solution with shopping cart and online payment also has all the features of previous web.

You can view all the detailed Characteristics of each type and their prices in the comparative table

Help me browsing through this huge website

On this website we explain the characteristics of our different services, but customers can get an idea of what a typical web of each of the above 4 types have created 4 websites sample. It is difficult confused because each one has a different style and range of colors:

How will my website look like?

We have selected a combination of elements on a content management system (Drupal) and have created these four basic structures anywhere. Each of them are designs may apply (such as color covers are applied to mobile phones), and each client can choose the design that you like simply because we have grouped into:

In both cases you can preview how the design on a web would apply, to get a very rough idea of ​​the final look of the website before attempting it.